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Fuel ambitions. Drive success

Use your knowledge to make graduate school a reality for ambitious students.



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4.9 Average mentor’s rating

4.9 Average mentor’s rating

4.9 Average mentor’s rating

Shakirat Iyanda

Ph.D, University of Vermont

Shakirat Iyanda

Ph.D, University of Vermont

Shakirat Iyanda

Ph.D, University of Vermont

Join a community of mentors from top institutions

Be part of the mission 💪🏼️

Every year, thousands of students dream of graduate school but struggle to find the guidance they need. Edufurther connects these students with mentors like you who understands the journey, and can make a difference in their lives by sharing your insights and experiences

Every year, thousands of students dream of graduate school but struggle to find the guidance they need. Edufurther connects these students with mentors like you who understands the journey, and can make a difference in their lives by sharing your insights and experiences

Every year, thousands of students dream of graduate school but struggle to find the guidance they need. Edufurther connects these students with mentors like you who understands the journey, and can make a difference in their lives by sharing your insights and experiences

Grow, connect, make an impact 🚀

Why mentoring on Edufurther matters to you

Why mentoring on Edufurther matters to you

Mentorship is a two-way journey. Here’s what you gain from guiding the next generation of scholars.

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Expand your network

Join a network of mentors from top schools and industries, and build connections.

Join a network of mentors from top schools and industries, and build connections.

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Flexible commitment

Set your own availability and schedule, allowing mentorship to fit your life seamlessly.

Set your own availability and schedule, allowing mentorship to fit your life seamlessly.

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Be recognized

Earn acknowledgment and gratitude for your impact on students’ lives and career paths.

Earn acknowledgment and gratitude for your impact on students’ lives and career paths.

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Sharpen your leadership skills

Every mentoring session hones your ability to communicate, lead, and inspire.

Every mentoring session hones your ability to communicate, lead, and inspire.

expand network

Celebrate your expertise

Your story, expertise, and guidance are deeply valued, and Edufurther is the platform to showcase them

Your story, expertise, and guidance are deeply valued and Edufurther is the platform to showcase them

Want to see the difference you can make?

Want to see the difference you can make?

Want to see the difference you can make?

Words on the street 😊

The power of mentorship

The power of mentorship

From impactful mentors 🎓

From awesome mentees 😊

I actually think Edufurther is an incredible platform. One of the most rewarding parts of being a mentor is watching students recognize their own strengths through their graduate school application process.

Shakirat Iyanda

Ph.D, University of Vermont

From impactful mentors 🎓

From awesome mentees 😊

I actually think Edufurther is an incredible platform. One of the most rewarding parts of being a mentor is watching students recognize their own strengths through their graduate school application process.

Shakirat Iyanda

Ph.D, University of Vermont

From mentors 🎓

From mentees 😊

I actually think Edufurther is an incredible platform. One of the most rewarding parts of being a mentor is watching students recognize their own strengths through their graduate school application process.

Shakirat Iyanda

Ph.D, University of Vermont



Community Members

Empowered by


Expert mentors



Mentoring minutes

Global community from



In 3 easy steps 🚀

Mentorship made easy

Mentorship made easy


Sign up & create your profile

Availability to create a mentor profile that attracts mentees.


Get booked

You will get booked by motivated students based on their needs and your expertise.


Start guiding

Begin mentoring through seamless scheduling and personalized support.

Mentorship made easier ✅

Unlock a better experience

Unlock a better experience

Scheduling availability

Scheduling availability

Scheduling availability

Set your own schedule, block time off, and manage your availability effortlessly.

Impact reporting

Impact reporting

Impact reporting

Track your progress with the mentor dashboard: see how many sessions you’ve completed, your session ratings, and more.

Set your mentorship support

Set your mentorship support

Set your mentorship support

Tailor your mentoring approach by focusing on what matters most for your mentees' success.

Scholarship achievements

Scholarship achievements

Scholarship achievements

Display your scholarship awards to inspire confidence in mentees and strengthen your mentoring impact.

Ready to transform a mentee’s future?

Ready to transform a mentee’s future?

Ready to transform a mentee’s future?

Still wondering? 🤔

Here are answers to some questions

Here are answers to some questions

How much time will I need to commit to mentoring?

How much time will I need to commit to mentoring?

How much time will I need to commit to mentoring?

What kind of support will I provide as a mentor?

What kind of support will I provide as a mentor?

What kind of support will I provide as a mentor?

Is there any compensation for being a mentor?

Is there any compensation for being a mentor?

Is there any compensation for being a mentor?

Come make an impact👏🏼

Let’s do this (seriously, sign up)

Let’s do this (seriously, sign up)

And if you're not fully convinced yet, sign up anyway—we promise you’ll feel good about it.

And if you're not fully convinced yet, sign up anyway—we promise you’ll feel good about it.

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